Duly Instructed by Marondera Rural District Council, Millenium Auctions will conduct a Public Auction of STRAY LIVESTOCK at CHIPARAWE FARM
According to Notice in terms of the stock Trespass Act [Chapter 19:14], that there shall be conducted a sale by public auction of the following stray and unclaimed livestock:
Sale date : Saturday 8 May 2021
Time : 1000 hrs
Viewing Dates : Prior to sale
Livestock to include:
Cows | Heifers | Oxen | Steer | Calves | Goats | Bulls | Total |
12 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 24 | 5 | 53 |
NB: Those who want to make claims on the livestock will have to produce proof to the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Department of Veterinary Services that the livestock belongs to them and will be required to pay a fee to council for the keeping of t he livestock. Those who will claim the livestock after the auction sales will do so from the state and not from persons who will have bought the livestock at the auction sales.
ZWL$15 000.00 on Cattles and ZWL$5 000.00 on Goats is required to obtain a buyer’s card and is refundable if all sales conditions are met.
For more information contact us on:
0224-758274/ 0772 288 418/ 0719 288 417/ 0772 686 858