Clients Service Charter

1.0 Preamble

Marondera Rural District Council is one of the 10 districts in Mashonaland East Province and is located 81 km North East of Harare (4,5km peg along Murehwa North Road, Revolt Farm) and is made up of 23 wards and 6Chieftainships. It shares common boundary with Murewa District to the North, Makoni District of Manicaland Province to the East, Wedza and Chikomba Districts to the South and Manyame and Goromonzi Districts to the West. The Local Authority prides itself for having vibrant and fast-growing centres such as Mahusekwa growth point, Landos, lgava and Masomera. It covers an area of 399 186 hectares and has a total population of 116 985 (2012 census). The council is mandated to provide effective and efficient socio-economic services to its residents/ratepayers in accordance with the Rural District Councils Act Chapter 29:13. This charter was crafted to ensure that clients get value for their money and enhance transparency and accountability. To that end both Council and its clients commit themselves to adhere to the principles, standards and values contained herein.

2.0 Vision.

An empowered community with high standards of life by 2030.

3.0 Mission.

To deliver sustainable socioeconomic services to the people of Marondera Rural District Council.

4.0 Core Values.
Values = TRAIT
  • Transparency => We are open to scrutiny
  • Responsiveness => We are committed to serve our clients promptly and proactively
  • Accountability => We take responsibility for our actions
  • Integrity => We adhere to moral principles of honesty and fairness
  • Teamwork => We build upon common focus and unity of purpose
5.0 Clients.
Internal External
Councillors Business Community
Council Employees Farmers
Workers Committee Residents / Rate Payers
Vulnerable: Groups (Women, Children, Youths, People Living with Disabilities
Traditional Leaders
Informal Traders
Government Ministries
Non – Governmental Organizations
Political Parties
War Veterans, War Collaborators and Detainees
Regulatory Authorities i.e NSSA, PRAZ
6.0 Council’s Overal Functions.
  1. Provision of civil protection services/ disaster and emergency management
  2. Infrastructure development, maintenance and rehabilitation
  3. Provision of portable water, sanitation and hygiene
  4. Provision of health, education, housing and social amenities.
  5. Revenue mobilization and generation
  6. Environmental management
  7. Development Control and Spatial planning
7.0 Council Departments and their Functions.
  1. Roads, Works, Planning and Environment
  • Road network development and maintenance management systems
  • Infrastructure and capital development projects
  • Building inspectorate and development control
  • Buildings, water supply and sewerage systems maintenance and repairs
  • Maintenance of plant and equipment
  • Departmental Budget preparation and control
  • Spatial planning and land management
  • Development control
  • Preservation and management of the environment
  • Solid waste management
  • Departmental Budget preparation and control

2. Finance Department

  • Revenue collection
  • Budget preparation and control
  • Production of financial reports
  • Procurement and issuing of goods/or services
  • Management of income generating projects
  • Management of Council assets
  • Maintenance of books of accounts
  • Maintenance of books of accounts
  • Advisory services on financial matters
  • Investment Portfolio Management.

3. Audit Department

  • Appraising and reporting on internal controls.
  • Performing special reviews and investigations as required by the Audit committee, management or relevant council committees.
  • Risk management and control
  • Checking on compliance with set standards and procedures
  • Departmental Budget preparation and control
  • Preparation of Audit reports

4. Human Resources, Social Services and Administration Department

  • Human Capital management and development
  • Payroll Administration
  • Provision of secretarial services to council
  • Management of Information Systems
  • Policy formulation
  • Transport management
  • Provision and administration of health facilities
  • Provision of water and sanitation facilities
  • Provision and administration of education facilities
  • Provision of recreational facilities
  • Departmental Budget preparation
  • Public Relations


8.0 Terms of Reference
  • Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Act No. 20 of 2013
  • Rural District Councils Act Chapter 29:13
9.0 Service Commitments and Standards

What to expect from Council:

  • Clients should expect to be served courteously from Monday to Friday between 8:45 am and 4:45pm.
  • Phones should be answered within three rings between working hours
  • The clients should be attended to within ten minutes of arrival
  • All correspondences should be responded to within ten working days of letter being received
  • All requests for inspections should be attended to within 5 working days
  • All building plans to be assessed within fourteen working days after submission
  • All requests for Audit investigations should be carried out within one week
  • All refuse to be collected weekly
  • All secondary and tertiary roads should be maintained at least once every year
  • All customer complaints should be attended to within 5 days.
  • Client complaints about lower grades should be directed to the Heads of department and complaints about Heads of Departments should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer.
  • General complaints about the services of council should be directed to the respective departments.
10.0 Obligations and Rights

10.1 Clients

  • Clients have the right to get value for money through provision of timeous and sustainable quality services.
  • Clients have the right to make representations to council on service-related matters Clients have the right to make representations to council on service-related matters.
  • Clients have the right to complain and get feedback timeously
  • Clients have the obligation to pay for services
  • Clients have the right to seek redress on service-related matters
  • Clients have the right to tender advice to Council on developmental issues

10.2 Council

  • Council is obliged to provide sustainable and quality services timeously.
  • Council is obliged to address public complaints in time and provide feedback
  • Council has the right to sue defaulters
  • Council is obliged to disclose information pertaining to Council operations upon request
  • Council is obliged to make decisions in the public interest
11.0 Review of Charter

This clients Charter shall be reviewed annually and as and when deemed necessary through a consultative and participatory process.

12. Feedback

How to contact Council:

Chief Executive Officer => Mr T. Gundo [0772147901]

Departmental Heads:


Department Head of Department
Finance Mr R. Mungure – 0773271376
Roads, Works, Planning & Environment
Audit Mr P. Ngani – 0716818180
Human Resources & Administration Ms L. Mhlanga – 0773810485